Mrs. Timms stayed alone in her apartment, a very quiet place. Everything needed to stay connected-a telephone, Internet connection, Laptop, Television, a library of books to read and keep her occupied, was available except for her children who stayed in the other town with their families. After Mr.Timms breathed his last the children had been there for a few days and later moved back to their town. Àll busy with their careers, raising their kids. Everything seemed fine until one day when she tripped in the bathroom and had a major fall. Her knee was fractured. The children rushed to her. Mrs. Timms was confined to her bed. She was in pain but little did she realize her Sickness is a blessing in disguise. How? You may wonder.
Sickness -the blessings it brought in disguise.
Mrs. Timms had brighter, cheerful mornings. Her grandchildren greeted her A cheerful Good morning, every morning. The breakfast table was a wonderful place where they laughed and talked, with the entire family. Instead of seeing it as a chore, it was a time she now looked forward to with a lot of happiness and joy.
With her grandchildren playing and running about, fooling and playing music her quiet apartment was now a house of energy. It felt lively. The positivity reflected in her garden too. Her plants grew greener now cause her daughters and the wives took care of not just the kitchen but the garden too. Beautiful flowers blossomed. Not just Mrs. Timms but her garden too looked beautiful. What a blessing indeed!! Positivity !! Her neighbors too started visiting her.
Sickness is a blessing in disguise-indeed.
How would the sons remain unaffected? Earlier they were always busy with their board meetings and client visits but now started turning home on time, to spend time with their ailing mom. They became health conscious about their food intake and understood the importance of diet and exercise. Mrs. Timms who was sick of staying alone enjoyed this change very much. Life seemed beautiful once again. They would take turns to wheel her out in the open for fresh air. In the evenings the family came together for ‘Grace before Meals’.The grandchildren thoroughly enjoyed the bed-time stories of Mrs.Timms. Her happiness was beyond measure. The presence of her loved ones speeded her recovery. In her heart of heart, she thanked God for the sickness she received.
This Sickness is indeed a blessing in disguise she said. It was an Inspiration for her extended family and her friend’s children too.
P.S: Post your comments. share your experience too. Do you feel that sickness is a blessing? Mention in your comment.
7th September 2018 at 12:59 pm
Its a good article … Can relate to this one … Keep up the good work
7th September 2018 at 11:49 am
Thanks so much, Tiana for sharing your experience. hope your mom is doing great. Certain things happen for good only that we need to change our thought process. Thanks for being here.
6th September 2018 at 3:39 pm
Yes I agree. My mom got sick from working so much hours then we lost our place, went to a crappy place then was homeless and now here we are in our own home & doing better. She still has that sickness but not as bad. Her being close to death also changed the way she sees things. She is more stronger. A blessing in disguise is right.
Some people need to get sick in order to learn something.