MONKEY MENACE? They often ransack homes and bite people in residential colonies. Urbanization and industrialization have disturbed the homes of monkeys and they have strayed into urban areas. Trappers take a small cage out into the jungle with bananas or other fruits or nuts locked inside. The monkey comes, spots the bananas, reaches through the narrow rungs of the cage, grabs a banana. Sadly can’t get it out. He tries hard, twists his hand back and forth, but cannot pull his hand out hanging on to the bait. The trappers are approaching but the monkey won’t let go of the bait. For the trappers, it’s simply a matter of coming up and grabbing the monkeys. Any of us witnessing this, would scream, YOU foolish monkey!!! “Drop the Banana!” save your life!!
Many a time just like the monkeys, we too cannot let go of our attitudes, our negatives. We may hold on to a grudge of years, unable to erase it from our memory and hence disallow peace and joy to enter our lives, and forever feel sad.
Quite often I have heard people expressing a strong desire to quit smoking is taking hard drinks. but do they at least attempt? Do they try to overcome that temptation, that urge to smoke? Why is it so, certain problems are eternal problems to overcome? Do we attempt to find a solution, an alternative? Or have we gotten so comfortable that we just continue with the same attitude? We just don’t want to drop that banana. we derive happiness and pleasure in doing the same action even if it does more harm than good to us..”
Sometimes we just have to bring everything to a complete halt. Self-examination is necessary for change although it is very uncomfortable. Comfort stops us from growing. Sometimes we say, “I tried but I just couldn’t do it.” But aren’t we fooling ourselves? Do or do not. There is no try. Ask someone addicted to either smoking or hard drinks or any such vices… they all understand the ill effects of smoking on the lungs or the effect of drugs or hard drinks on the liver. However, they are so used to it that they cannot quit or find it too difficult to quit. They might want someone else to change in sense (not question them). Trying is easier than doing. Doing takes discipline, but by saying Í am trying we can easily evade the questions.
Why can’t we let go of our negatives, hold a grudge for so many years and punish our heart? Why do we keep holding our loved ones to our heart, restrict their freedom? A great person rightly said 80% of our problems are because of our own actions. What am I doing about the 80%-(my problems)? or am I holding that 20% -(the problems of the outside world)and getting anxious about it?. We don’t have to fall sick to realize the value of good health. But are we ready to quit our laziness and take up a fitness activity? We have the chance, the capacity, and the answers. All of the elements are there. We just have to make the decision. When we fail to do this, it doesn’t just harm us individually. It hurts all of us. One person doesn’t make a country. One person doesn’t make a family. It takes all of us to make a better world to live in, not someone else or some other power but our responsibility.
As we look at the problems in our own lives, think about that monkeys in the jungle. Step back and look at ourselves struggling through life – ensnared by our problems. Just shake head and ask, “Why don’t I just drop the banana!” Enjoy my freedom in the true sense, in the right spirit? Just drop all the worldly baits that can offer only so-called temporary happiness, instead live life every moment, enjoy all the beautiful things that God -Our Divine Master has provided. And importantly keep our soul happy and pure so that when the time comes to depart, to attain true freedom we are not held by worldly baits like the Monkeys of the jungle…
1st November 2018 at 3:28 pm
Hello Sushil. Thanks, dear for your valuable comments. very wonderful true opinion. truly as you said, growth isn’t possible without struggling. Many more to come. Happy reading. feels good to get answers from friends like you.
thanks so much
1st November 2018 at 11:43 am
Nice Article Veron……..we can forever break down any self-imposed limitations as long as we’re willing to struggle with our own habitual responses to life. Growth isn’t possible without struggling. So Just find love in discomfort and Break all your barriers in order to grow in life.
31st October 2018 at 8:19 pm
In our daily walks of we are so stubborn to let go off say our ego passion over things which are beyond our control. this article will definitely teach a person as how to let go great article looking forward to such articles
30th October 2018 at 7:51 pm
Hi Priya, Thanks so much for taking time off to read my post. n also for your comments. Have a great evening…
30th October 2018 at 7:20 pm
Nice one
30th October 2018 at 9:36 am
Very nice article Veron.. Inspiring
29th October 2018 at 6:40 pm
hey Chloe, thanks so much for your comment. I m so happy. thank you for the kind words. All the best to us…
29th October 2018 at 4:49 pm
Such a great written post. It is odd that we hold onto our grudges, and that we always think about the negatives rather than the positives. It’s so true, we seem to get into habits where we’re comfortable and then we don’t want to change anything even if we’re unhappy just because we’re comfortable. Lovely blog post.
28th October 2018 at 6:17 pm
Great article.Keep it up
27th October 2018 at 11:16 pm
Nice article.
27th October 2018 at 1:22 pm
thanks so much Roopali.
Happy reading.
27th October 2018 at 11:43 am
Very well written 👌👍
26th October 2018 at 7:47 pm
Thank you so much dear Uncle… For taking time off to read my post.. matters a lot. there is a lot more to learn, a lot more to improve. it’s just a tiny effort. with your blessings and all that I learn from you as my guru, things shall get better. Grace me with your blessings.
Thank you.
26th October 2018 at 6:26 pm
Wonderful. There is a difference in your thoughts and I wish shall improve further in due course which shall help your reader to realise life with happiness. I am thankful.
26th October 2018 at 6:01 pm
Well i hv met a couple of monkeys down the line. The real ones hv me excited wen i hv seen them in nature. We had a pet too at my in-laws, who was loving called kitty. We humans too hv to learn to let go n grow. Ur blogging is good. The message comes across well.Keep it up..
25th October 2018 at 8:23 pm
Wonderful article ….
25th October 2018 at 7:07 pm
Thanks so much, father, for taking time off to read my post. also thank you so much for your valuable comments. Have a wonderful evening
25th October 2018 at 7:03 pm
thanks so much, Kovalan for taking time off to visit my blog and for your motivating words…
25th October 2018 at 5:56 pm
Nice work Get in. Keep Rocking..
25th October 2018 at 5:16 pm
Hi Banitta .. wonderful perspective to this story. truly beautiful. You certainly are holding an ocean within you.. truly we all are marching towards so called progress, but we have lost the time to appreciate the beautiful world the Master has created for us.
25th October 2018 at 4:16 pm
Flowers of life given in the hands of MONKEYS ..some Human being make it a garland adorable ,some crush it unknowingly out of over love or hatred…but viewing oneself in monkeys place…we are all moving towards outward happiness …rather than the inner peace of having got atleast one banana to eat a day…to make ourself live…and let live…
Thanks Veron for the thoughtful…
guidance…its really wonderful…
25th October 2018 at 8:14 am
One Should, Drop the Banana or taking a step back in cases, where it is essential.. somehow we are all caught up with a lazy attitude ..”I will do it tomorrow ” and it never happens .. TILL WE LAND UP IN A BIG MESS.
This is a great article. it will make a big difference to me at least.
24th October 2018 at 10:57 pm
While I believe monkeys are smarter than that starter story depicts, the theme of making a decision for positive change by letting go of the negative is apt. Many people do seem to have become so accustomed to the negative that they cannot let go!
24th October 2018 at 10:30 pm
I was a chain smoker for almost 30 years+ but quit when my older brother was diagnosed with oral cancer.
I try to convince tobacco users to give up tobacco, and have succeeded in convincing 50-60 unknown people to quit.
Tobacco kills!
24th October 2018 at 10:15 pm
yes, we have to forget our egos & hatred to move forward in life . nothing will come with us when we leave the world but some good memories will stay behind .