Comfort zone and the memories
I was raised in Mumbai. It was here that I completed my schooling, and graduated too. This city gave me an opportunity to live my dreams, my passion, my joy, and peace. I had friends, both the 3 am friends and the other ones too. I felt so safe and secure, could travel without fear any time. Even if it was late evenings I never had any insecure feelings. But in 2005 when Lourenco and I got married I had to move to Chennai, a city where everything seemed alien to me. The language, the roads, the people, the place, the food joints.. everything. I terribly missed my comfort zone -Mumbai. I missed my parents, missed my colleagues. One particular day I was so depressed, so much in agony, that I called up mom and bluntly asked her, “Mom, why did you get me married? Was I big burden for you?” Mom answered “Dear Veron, Changes in your life happens only when you step out of your comfort zone. You may feel painful, difficult to adjust now, but I trust you.. you will adapt to the surrounding. It’s just a matter of time.” These kind words of mom and her trust infused some dose of confidence in me. I decided to take charge.
Attempt to move out.
I decided to first get acquainted with my immediate neighbors- the NATARAJAN’s. They introduced me to a few other neighbors and thus I became known to at least a few families. These new friends took time out to take me to the local markets, Food Malls, Vegetable markets. I started feeling good. Back home I would go to church on Sunday mornings without fail which I had skipped in my new location. So I made up my mind to go to church regularly. Rather than waiting for hubby to return from office and then join me to church, I decided to walk it out alone. It was just a 15-minute walk. Initially, I felt a little uneasy. I was very tempted to drive my two-wheeler, but the vehicle documents were still based on my previous location and hence I did not have the courage to do so. A 30-minute walk every day kept my weight in check. I enjoyed my ME-time very much. Moreover, I gained a fair understanding of the various stores on way. Most importantly I could make a few friends in the church too. I got an opportunity to be a part of the choir. Thus slowly I got used to the new city, new place, new faces.
How to step out of the comfort zone
As humans, we usually tend to cling to our comfort zone. A child moving to a new school will find it very agonizing to make new friends or feel good about the new school. There is an underlying fear, insecure feeling associated with change. A simple change in the seating arrangement and the student feels so uncomfortable. As adults, we too fear losing comfort zone. A change in department or roles or responsibilities or even a change in location, the much-awaited rise in designation to a junior instead of me, or maybe a sudden loss of a job. etc brings in a lot of turmoil in our lives. We cry out to God. Why this? Why me? We ask. But only when we step out of our comfort zone we realize the potentials within us. Only then can we better ourselves.
Push yourself in unfamiliar places, to do things that you wouldn’t normally do. Try crazy food rather than your routine food item. Smile to someone unknown to you. Attempt doing different things rather than the routine monotonous jobs. Everything you desire in your life, but do not currently have is just outside the circle. To get it inside we have to do something different. We need to step outside of our comfort zone. The great inventions by renowned scientists were possible only when they stepped out of their comfort zone.
“We have a normal. As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal~`Robin S. Sharma
“Don’t keep forever on the public road, going only where others have gone, and following one after the other like a flock of sheep. Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. ‘Every time you do so you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before. Of course, it will be a little thing, but do not ignore it. Follow it up, explore all around it; one discovery will lead to another, and before you know it you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. All really big discoveries are the results of thought.”
~ by
28th November 2018 at 11:39 pm
It’s not only yours. Many of us have to suffer like this. It’s just a matter of time.
Real story written nicely. Go ahead dear. God bless you.
15th November 2018 at 5:18 am
Thank you so much Hollyn Donovan for your kind words. Many more such posts will follow. I m truly glad that I started this journey of writing, blogging.
15th November 2018 at 5:16 am
Thanks, John Dickson for your words of appreciation. Shall write more such articles.
15th November 2018 at 5:14 am
Sudhakar, hi. Thank you for reading this post. Yes, I will certainly write more in the future. Currently, there are 15 posts. The pace is slow though. many more to come.
13th November 2018 at 6:25 pm
Nice article Veron. I could relate to this, as me too born n brought up in Mumbai. So when 14 yrs back after marriage I had to shift to kalyan was a real task for me. But it took me 10 yrs to come out of that comfort zone in 2013. Now I m so attached to this city. 😊
13th November 2018 at 3:52 pm
Good. Gained experience helps to advise. Hopefully the process is still to achieve its movementom.Time shall hill and bring to the Zone you Like .
13th November 2018 at 2:55 pm
Excellent post. I’m a firm believer in challenging comfort zones and I enjoyed your post immensely.
13th November 2018 at 6:53 am
Beautiful piece! I agree, getting out of one’s comfort zone is so important for personal growth, no matter how difficult it may be. I’m glad this journey is going well for you. =)
13th November 2018 at 6:44 am
Good article. .. do more posts…